"War, Migration, Memory: Perspectives on Russia's War Against Ukraine"
Edited by Viktoriya Sereda, the Prisma Ukraïna anthology was published in the new “Forum Transregionale Studien - …
New Series on the TRAFO - Blog: Fragmented Lives: Exploring the Diverse Experiences and Impacts of Ukrainian Displacement
In the first contribution, Lidia Kuzemska reflects on ten pieces of the Ukrainian displacement puzzle.
Olha Labur (1972 – 2024)
The Forum Transregionale Studien mourns the loss of Olha Labur (25.12.1972 – 28.09.2024), member of the Prisma Ukraїna: …
In Search of Stability and Purpose: Ukrainian (Displaced) Researchers in Germany
Lidia Kuzemska gives an overview of the most important challenges Ukrainian researchers face currently in Germany and …
PRISMA UKRAЇNA: War, Migration, Memory – Funding decisions for Ukrainian research group at the Forum
Ten Ukrainian researchers will network and conduct joint research at various locations in Ukraine and in exile on …
Prisma Ukraïna: War, Migration, Memory - Program and Members Brochure
The members of the research group introduce themselves, their research and the project's program in a recently published …
“War and war-induced displacement create ruptures in people’s sense-making narratives” – 5in10 with Viktoria Sereda
Full interview available on TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research
Politics of Distorted Numbers: How Russia is Counting Displaced Ukrainians and Why?
Lidia Kuzemska on the symbolical meanings of scales of displacement and return for state actors.
Wissenschaftliche Gesprächsräume in Zeiten des Umbruchs
Das Forum Transregionale Studien begrüßt 50 Fellows aus über 23 Ländern.
Resilience and Connection. A field report on the international congress “Rethinking Ukraine and Europe: New Challenges for Historians”
Denys Shatalov, member of the Prisma Ukraїna War, Migration, Memory research group, shares his experiences from the …
“Photographers are very eloquent speakers” – A Conversation with Jessica Zychowicz and Mariia Kravchenko
New on TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research: Sophie Schmäing interviews Mariia Kravchenko and Jessica Zychowicz
Identity Migration of Orthodox Churches During the War in Ukraine (Since 2014)
New article by Tetiana Kalenychenko and Denys Brylov in our TRAFO Blog series »War, Migration and Memory«
CANCELLED: Humanities and Social Sciences in Times of Crises: Back to Provincialism?
Conference of the Forum Transregionale Studien is cancelled!
Cats in the Street Art of LBWS CAT UKRAINE: Constructing Cultural Memory in Wartime
By Yuliya Stodolinska on the surge of artistic practices in Ukraine as a response to Russia’s invasion
Ukrainian Forcefully Displaced Persons in Germany: To Stay or to Leave?
New article by Natalia Zaitseva-Chipak in our TRAFO Blog series »War, Migration and Memory«
The Rise of Ukraine’s Sun by Kateryna Zarembo
Dr Kateryna Zarembo presents her new book “The Rise of Ukraine’s Sun” (Схід українського сонця) at the Forum. In …
Militarized Cancer: People with a Diagnosis and the War in Ukraine
New article byPrisma Ukraïna Fellow Olha Labur, published on TRAFO Blog.
“Somewhere on a subconscious level, I continued to evaluate and perceive the outbreak of the war through analogies with WWII” – 5in10 with Denys Shatalov
Interview with Prisma Ukraïna Fellow Denys Shatalov, published on TRAFO Blog.
“Why people move, or, rather, why some move and others stay always intrigued me” – 5in10 with Lidia Kuzemska
Interview with Prisma Ukraïna Fellow Lidia Kuzemska, published on TRAFO Blog.
The ‘Emergency Grab Bag’ of Memory, or the Tonalities of News Headlines About the War in Ukraine – Part Twо
New article by Olha Haidamachuk in our TRAFO Blog series »War, Migration and Memory«