

Mi. 13 Nov. 2019

Dnipropetrovsk After the War: From “South Manchester” to closed “Rocket City”

Prisma Ukraïna Fellow Denys Shatalov gives a talk at Viadrina University


Di. 29 Okt. 2019

Prisma Ukraïna Visiting Fellow 2019/20: Alexandru Leşanu

Alexandru Leşanu is the Irmgard Coninx Prize Fellow for Transregional Studies in the framework of Prisma Ukraїna – …


Mo. 23 Sept. 2019

Performance and Debate: »Postcolonial Critique and Artistic Encounters: American South-European East«

This evening, September 23rd, 5:30 pm, Forum Transregionale Studien. With Sara Alonso Gómez (art curator, Havana/Paris), …


Bild Cosmos vom Künstler Tonel
Mo. 09 Sept. 2019

Interview with Kyrylo Tkachenko

The PhD student talks about his research on the protests of Ukrainian miners during 1989-1993


Mo. 02 Sept. 2019

WeberWorldCafé on Legacies of Colonalism in East Central Europe: Race, Scholarship, and Politics

Former Prisma Fellow Olga Linkiewicz curates together with Katrin Steffen the event which will take place in Hamburg at …


The National Digital Archives (NAC), 1-P-347-3.
Mo. 26 Aug. 2019

Prisma Ukraïna Visiting Fellow 2019: Denys Shatalov

From October to December 2019 Denys Shatalov will be our Prisma Ukraïna Visiting Fellow.


Do. 14 März 2019

»Jewish Apples and Muslim Oranges in the Russian Basket: Options and Limits of a Comparative Approach«

Yohanan Petrovsky-Shterns Keynote-Vortrag im Rahmen des Prisma Ukraïna Workshops »At Home: Jews and Muslims in Eastern …


Do. 21 Feb. 2019

Interview with Nataliya Gumenyuk

Open Democracy talked to former Prisma Ukraïna Fellow Nataliya Gumenyuk, head of Hromadske television channel, on …


Di. 08 Jan. 2019

»Was vom Kiewer Majdan übrig blieb – Spurensuche: Eine Begegnung mit Kateryna Mishchenko«

Ein Artikel von Paul Ingendaay über Prisma Ukraïna Fellowin Kateryna Mishchenko in der FAZ


Do. 21 Juni 2018

5in10 with Olga Linkiewicz

We have interviewed our Visiting Fellow Olga Linkiewicz and asked her about her academic and personal journey, her …


Mo. 05 März 2018

Akademie-Blog: »Revisiting the Nation«

Berichte und Eindrücke von der Winterakademie sind jetzt auf unserem Blog »Transregional Academies« zu finden.


Mi. 07 Feb. 2018

Neu auf TRAFO: »In the Borderlands of War of Eastern Ukraine. Making Borders by Mapping Needs and Social Practices«

Sophie Lambroschini (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin), has written an overview of recent academic and NGO expertise on life …


Mi. 19 Juli 2017

Workshop “Culture as Politics”

Am 19. Juli 2017 findet am Forum Transregionale Studien ein Workshop zum Thema "Culture as Politics" statt. Er befasst …


Di. 08 Nov. 2016

Vortragsreihe 2016/2017

»Revolutions and their Impact on Modern Eastern and Central Europe«


Mo. 07 März 2016


Die Berlin-Brandenburg Ukraine Initiative (BBUI) organisiert eine Vortragsreihe zum Oberthema »Constructing Eastern …
